ILNP – Magician and Masquerade (H) Swatches and Review

Nothing to Disclose

Good Monday my dear readers.  I hope that the start of this new week is filled with sparkly nails.  Perhaps you also got Magician?  Maybe you’ve been on the fence?  I know that this week I’m meeting Monday head on with some Unicorn Pee sparkle and shift.  It is still available so if you didn’t get it maybe this will help you decide!

I guess we should start with Magician (even though it’s my favorite of the two I bought and I usually leave my favorite to last).  Prepare yourselves, readers, the following post is PIC HEAVY.

ILNP – Magician (over black)

It is literally impossible not to be mesmerized.

ILNP – Magician (over black)

ILNP – Magician (over black)

ILNP – Magician (over black)

Ok, I’m sorry I got distracted by the amazingness for a minute.  Let’s talk about some application stuff etc.  Magician is a topper, it will not build to any kind of opacity on its own (although now I’m thinking of negative space manis and all the possibilities there!).  However, this polish does have the ability to completely change the look of what you’re wearing.  Application was perfection.  All my pics show two coats over a single coat of a base color.

ILNP – Magician (over black, matte)

ILNP – Magician (over black, matte)

As you can see this magical (har) topcoat is constantly changing.  It shifts from emerald green, to bronze, to rust, to red.  It’s just fantastic.  I’m not sure how I never picked up a Unicorn Pee polish before now.  But, boy am I glad I broke down and cheated on my no-buy for this one.  Unf, can we talk about mattifying it?  AH-MAZING.

First, I started with the traditional black base.  Honestly, you will get the most bang with a black base but other combinations are just as lovely and amazing though it’s more subtle.

ILNP – Magician (over colors)

ILNP – Magician (over colors)

ILNP – Magician (over colors)

To be quite honest of the four colors I chose besides black (all cremes – a royal blue, a true red, a turquoise, and a nude) the ones I thought were the best match were the royal blue and the nude.  My least favorite option was the red.  Somehow, some of the Unicorn Pee magic got a bit lost in the red.

Oh, I almost forgot.  I totally stamped it for wearing.  Driving after putting this on was hard because my nails+the sunlight was so distracting:

ILNP – Magician (over black, stamped)

Ok!  Moving on for now.  So, when I cheated on my no-buy for Magician, I thought, “hmm, why should Magician travel alone. Surely, we should get him a buddy.”  Because, you all know, nail polish addict problems.  So, I snagged up Masquerade, the holo version as well.

ILNP – Masquerade (H)

Hmm…weren’t we just talking about shifty polishes?  Because, holy shift, Batman.  Look at the range of colors in that polish.  Masquerade is a multichrome polish that transitions between a gorgeous green, to teal, to bronze, to a beautiful pink.  To be honest, when looking at it in the bottle in some lights and angles it reminds me of a watermelon because the pink and green are so prominent.  I picked up the holo version of the polish and it has a lovely subtle linear holo finish.

ILNP – Masquerade (H)

ILNP – Masquerade (H)

ILNP – Masquerade (H)

While the actual application of the polish was good, I did note it had a tendency to show brushstrokes so you will definitely want to use a patient hand.  I’m not convinced that it has anything to do with the polish itself.  I think that it’s more of an effect of the multichrome pigment.  Pics all show two coats over black except for the ring finger where it’s three coats on its own.  I actually liked it better on its own.  The brush strokes weren’t as noticeable and it seemed to just have a better overall finish that way.

Alright, deep breaths.  You can still get Magician and naturally Masquerade is available as well not to mention a whole HEAP of multichrome shifty polishes.  I will include stalker links below!


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St. Patrick’s Day Nail Art

Some products received for honest review

Top o’ the afternoon to you, my fantabulous readers!  In the past I was sent some polishes from Alchemy Lacquers to review and I did, here and here.  I always meant to go back later and do some nail art with them but life being what it is I didn’t get around to it.  No time like the present, right?  So this year I used them to create my St. Patrick’s Day themed nail art!

To start I needed to create the artistic part.  I’m not super fantastic with freehand nail art, but I like to try my hand at it now and then.  However, I do not trust myself to freehand directly on my nails.  So what’s a girl to do?  Why make decals of course!

I used my silicone mat to create two decals.  To make a decal you start with a layer of clear polish that you allow to dry completely.  Then you can stamp or paint your design onto that polish.  Allow the art to dry then paint it over with another layer of clear polish or topcoat and allow to dry completely.  Once it’s dry it should lift away easily.  I then trimmed out my design with scissors.

The nail art I chose to do was a little pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  I used the Infinity Collection from Alchemy Lacquers to create the rainbow.  I thought it turned out super cute and I 100% admit to being delightedly tickled with how well it came out.

Then I used last year’s St. Patrick’s Day limited edition (sorry it’s not available now, but, at least if you love it you can start searching for it on the secondary market!) from Alchemy Nails – Liquid Luck as my base.

St. Patrick’s Day Nail Art

First I used Vynails Celtic Knot vinyl decals on all but my ring fingers.  Then I applied the painted decals I made to the ring fingers of each hand to finish the look.

I’m pretty pleased with the result.  Let me know what you think down below.  Oh and because I can never resist the flakies:

Bonus Macro Shot

Now, you can still get Vynails nail vinyl decals and stencils and you can still get the Alchemy Lacquers Infinity collection.  So, I will include stalker links below!  As always, you can find me on Social Media and Bloglovin’ (so you don’t miss any of my ramblings!) by pushing the giant pink buttons to the right!  Until next time my dearest readers may your days be filled with Glitter and Flakies!

Alchemy Lacquers

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Water Marbled Butterfly Wings

Nothing to Disclose

Hello all my gorgeous readers!  I did some nail art over the weekend and I have been just so mesmerized by the result that I haven’t even been able to bring myself to write it up for you.  That’s because I kept stopping to stare at my nails.  This mani probably ranks up there in one of my favorite that I’ve -ever- done.  I hope that you will enjoy it!  To be fair, while it’s not an impossible bit of nail art people who are new to nail art may find it a bit more challenging because today (or this past weekend, whatever…) we water marble!  In true Relly fashion though, at every step I thought, “oh I love this…but what if I added this?!”  Then, I did it.  The result was much better than I anticipated.

Let’s start off with what you need for water marbling.  You’ll need 2 or more polishes (creme polishes work best, but, some jellies and holographic polishes will also work well but you’ll want to avoid polishes with glitter or flakies), white nail polish, a small cup with filtered room-temperature water, an orange stick or water marbling tool, q-tips, cuticle barrier of your choice (tape, liquid latex, vinyl cuticle shields, etc.), and base and topcoats.

I started with five polishes from the Bohemian Polish Washed Out 2.0 collection.  When I want something Springy, bright, cheerful, and great for nail art I usually reach for these:

Bohemian Polish – Washed out 2.0

First you will prep your nails.  Apply basecoat and then a layer of white polish.  I only did one coat and I didn’t worry about it being a perfect finish, it’s going to be covered up after all:

Step 1

Next, apply your cuticle barrier.  I used Digital Nails – Questionable Browser History which is a liquid latex product, but you can easily use tape or those handy vinyl cuticle barriers (that are latex-free!) that I’ve seen around.  If you’re using liquid latex you’ll definitely want to go a ways up your finger, you’ll see later I didn’t go quite high enough!

Step 2

Then, you’re going to create a bullseye in your cup of water by dripping one drop of nail polish color into the water alternating with each color until it forms a bullseye.  It should look something like this:

Step 3

Using an orange stick, tooth pick, water marble tool, or other pointy thin tool carefully drag it through the colors until you create a pattern that pleases you.  I kept this one pretty simple:

Step 4

Next aim your fingernail at a slight angle toward the part of the pattern you would like to be on your nail then dunk your nail gently into the nail polish pattern.  Using a cotton swab gently collect the excess polish from around your finger so that it doesn’t get transferred to your nail.  Gently remove your finger from the water.  Take care not to move too quickly and work at a bit of an angle to avoid bubbles as much as possible.

Step 5

Now, you can totally see why you need that cuticle barrier!  Cleaning that up would be a right mess! Gently remove your cuticle barrier and clean up any stray areas with acetone and a clean up brush that you couldn’t protect with the barrier and apply topcoat.  Floating the topcoat will help avoid smears.

Step 6

Now…this is where most people would be like, “YAY, a successful water marble!  Let’s stop here.”  I am clearly not most people because what I said is, “Oh, let’s add flakies!”  So I did.  I added a generous layer of Digital Nails – Hyperbole which gave the whole look a shifty iridescent quality.  It’s subtle but when it catches the light it’s lovely!

Water Marble Design topped with Digital Nails – Hyperbole

Again, I said to myself, “what else can I do?!” so I stamped butterfly wings using Vivid Lacquer – VL002 over top:

Final Look

Final Look

Final Look

Ahhh, and then I was finally satisfied.  This turned out so cheerful, happy, and pretty that I could have been more pleased.  This is probably the most successful water marble I’ve done.  They take practice and patience but the result is so great that it’s worth it!

You can find Bohemian Polish, Vivid Lacquer, and Digital Nails at the stalker links below.  As usual, I’d love to hear from you!  This is definitely a win in my book.  I hope you really like it as well!  Don’t forget you can find me on social media by using the big pink buttons to the right!  Until next time I hope your days are filled with glitter and flakies!

Bohemian Polish

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Digital Nails:

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Vivid Lacquer:

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Shadow Stamping with Digital Nails – Lying

Nothing to Disclose

Hello again, Readers!  I promised two posts this week and I like to live up to my promises!

Today I’m going to show you something that combines two of my favorite things, stamping and Digital Nails nail polish.  I don’t think it’s any secret whatsoever about my love and devotion to all things Digital Nails!

Digital Nails – Lying (transition)

Let’s talk about Lying and shadow stamping for a minute.  As you can see, Lying is a thermal polish and what that means, in case you were unaware or are new to indie polish, is that it changes color with the temperature.  Shadow stamping is a technique that involves stamping over a thermal polish in a color that is as close to the darker of the two colors as possible so that it “disappears” when it is in that color state and “appears” when the lighter color is present.

Digital Nails – Lying (transition)

Digital Nails – Lying (transition)

On Lying the darker color is the “cold” color and is a greyish-purple.  I love this color on me.  In order to achieve my shadow stamping I had to franken a polish to be as close as I could to the “cold” color of Lying.  I used polishes that I knew stamped well alone to mix up a new color that I used to stamp for this mani.

Digital Nails – Lying (cold)

As you can see, I got -pretty- close.  It’s not perfect but when you’re not looking at it close up you can’t see the stamping when it is in the cold state!

Digital Nails – Lying (cold)

Digital Nails – Lying (cold)

Lying is a beautiful turquoise color when it is in the warm state:

Digital Nails – Lying (warm)

In both states there is a lovely blue iridescent microglitter that is in the creamy base that just adds depth and interest.  It was pretty shy for these pics but it is a lovely addition to the thermal polish! Lying is available in the Digital Nails shop and I will add links below.    I used Vivid Lacquer – VL041 for the image that I stamped onto my nails.

Digital Nails – Lying (warm)

Digital Nails – Lying (warm)

I’m beyond in love with this polish and this whole mani.  I need more thermals in my life!  Sound off in the comments and tell me some of your favorite thermals I would love to know!

Digital Nails:

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Nail Art Inspired by “Tiny”

Nothing to Disclose

Hello all my fantabulous readers!  Sorry I’m a little behind this week.  It’s been a strange one so far to be sure.  For your troubles I’ll have at least two posts this week!

Today I’m going to share a nail art look that was inspired by a friend of mine.  Tiny (this is obviously a nickname) is the daughter of two of my very best friends and is 7 years old.  Recently, Tiny has been wanting to chat online and naturally her parents want to make sure that she’s chatting with safe people so they asked if I would chat with her.  I’m like “Are you kidding, I love kids!”  Tiny is pretty spectacular and she -loves- all things glittery, girly, pink, and loves it when I share my nail art with her.

The other day I asked her for her suggestions on what I should do next and she responded with this sketch:

Tiny’s Nail Art idea Sketch

I said, “CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!”  While I did not recreate it exactly I was heavily inspired by her color choices and design.  For this I turned to the trusty Washed Out 2.0 collection from Bohemian Polish.  I use these so much for nail art it’s not even funny:

Bohemian Polish – Terrapin, Birdie Hop, Long Gone, and Octopus

First I started by painting a base coat of Long Gone and adding a pattern of small white polka dots and then the fun began.

Nail Art inspired by Tiny

Rather than the straight lines that Tiny drew, I thought the whole sketch reminded me of confetti and streamers, so I wanted to make sure I had some curves and curls in there as well.

Nail Art inspired by Tiny

Using Terrapin, Octopus, and Birdie Hop I did some random streamers and curls over the top of the dotted base using a small nail art brush.

Nail Art inspired by Tiny

I was really pleased with how festive, cheerful, and happy this mani came out!  Best part?  Tiny loved it too!

You might see more nail art inspired by Tiny because she gives me lots of ideas and is a very creative little girl.  I’m delighted to be friends with her!

Bohemian Polish

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