Provided for Honest Review
My loyal patient readers! I promise to update a little more often but as you are well aware we are deep into the Holiday Season and my level of hecticness (is that a word? Let’s make it a word.) is through the roof! There’s baking to be done, presents to buy and wrap, grocery shopping to be done, work to go to…I could go on but I won’t that’ll make a really boring blog post! Instead lets talk about my stress RELIEF and that’s nail polish! Seriously I think about nail polish and all my cares fly out the window – usually along with my money but nevermind that!
Today I have two amazing polishes that were sent to me by Joanne, the creator and owner of Daphine Polish! Daphine is an up and coming indie line and I foresee many good things for her based on these two polishes! These come from her Goddesses of the Two Lands collection and are simply lovely! Seriously these colors are right up my alley and they work extremely well together as well. It was really hard for me to choose a favorite, so I didn’t. I will love them both! Let’s get up close and personal with some Egyptian goddesses shall we?
First up is Isis. Isis is Osiris’ sister-wife who scoured Egypt for his dismembered body parts after he was murdered by his brother Set. She along with her sister brought him back to life. Isis is the matriarch of the Egyptian pantheon and this royal purple really does her justice!

Isn’t she lovely?! I really fell in love with these two polishes. Isis is a lovely rich metallic purple that has been slightly blackened so that it’s not an in your face purple but is slightly more muted. Sprinkled throughout are metallic pink sparkles that just capture the light. The color is really lovely and classic and is the perfect base for nail art and would great under a complementary glitter topper!

Formula on this one? Dare I say it…oh heck yeah I’m gonna do it…it’s heavenly. Yes I went there, I could not resist! Anyway this polish stays where you put it without any pooling or dragging or flooding but is also not thick or hard to work with at all. Photos show two coats plus top coat. It actually dries to a sort of semi-matte finish which is pretty as well but I’m a sucker for a good shiny topcoat.
Polishes Used: Glisten & Glow – Stuck on Blu; Daphine Polish – Isis; Daphine Polish – Hathor; Glisten & Glow – HK Girl
Up next is Hathor, now Hathor is technically Isis’ daughter in law as Hathor is a fertility goddess and the consort of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. Due to a long drawn out myth that I won’t recount here, sometimes you see that Isis and Hathor have the same or similar attributes in hieroglyphs but they are definitely two separate goddesses!

I can see myself reaching for this one again and again. This is a very gently blackened metallic green-leaning teal polish sprinkled throughout with holographic gold sparkles. I love every single thing about this color! Do you see what I mean about the two colors going together so brilliantly? Seriously the whole Goddess of the Two Lands collection is cohesive and supports the theme beautifully.

Just like Isis, Hathor went on like butter, like gorgeous metallic green/teal butter…sorry I got distracted. I had no issues with application on either of these and achieved smooth perfection in just two coats. This one also dries to a semi-matte finish that is not at all unpleasing. One of the things I don’t talk about much is brushes and bottles. Usually because I don’t find anything particular to note about them, I mean, all polishes come in bottles with brushes and they are all pretty much the same unless they are particularly horrible or great. In this case let me just say that I really enjoyed the bottle shape and the length of the cap (it’s a bit longer than standard). It really allowed me to exercise more precise control and it felt nice during the application.
Polishes Used: Polishes Used: Glisten & Glow – Stuck on Blu; Daphine Polish – Hathor; Daphine Polish – Isis; Glisten & Glow – HK Girl
My impression so far of Daphine Polish has me excited and eagerly awaiting the chance to get my grubby paws on some more! You should definitely check out Daphine Polishes if you’re looking for some new indies to dress your digits! You can find Daphine Polish on facebook and instagram to keep up with new releases and other information and you can buy these amazing polishes and so many more at her Etsy Shop!
PS: I used the Royal Lacquer Vynails vinyl decals to create the nail art on these two manicures, I used the negative space of a snowflake as a stencil to get the snowflake on the Hathor manicure and I used the chevron decals as a mask on the Isis manicure.