Provided for Honest Review
Readers hold onto your deerstalkers, crowns, and your trenchcoats…or sheets, whichever might be your attire of choice when visiting Buckingham Palace! I have a post filled with Sherlock goodness! I fully embrace my fangirl status and think that us Sherlock fangirls are the hardiest and the most patient of all the fangirls! We have to wait a heinous amount of time for three episode series! Oh how they taunt us. Whilst I’m a card carrying member of many fandoms (Ok so they aren’t actual cards…unless you consider the ones I drew up myself official… I know I do), Sherlock has a special place in my heart. There’s just something about this show that ticks all the right boxes if you know what I mean!
Regardless of your affection (or lack thereof) of Sherlock please allow me to show you three polishes that you will love! Let’s start with Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade. He loathes to rely on Sherlock but without Sherlock he wouldn’t solve nearly as many cases and can’t help but admire Sherlocks AMAZING brain…because you know that’s the sexiest part about Sherlock (it’s true, I’m convinced that Sherlock would not be half as sexy if he wasn’t so damned smart!) Anyway I do have a point here…this first polish is based on him and is called Not Our Division!

Not Our Division
Not Our Division has a beautiful TARDIS blue creme base worthy of the Doctor himself. Yes I mentioned the Doctor, no I’m not sorry, I frequently combine fandoms in my imagination…Oh, Yes! This lusciously TARDISy blue creme is packed with silver hexes and microglitter and some holographic microglitter as well (that was a shocker I wasn’t expecting that!)

Not Our Division
Not Our Division has a divine formula. This is two easy breezy coats. I didn’t fish or dab or otherwise manipulate the polish and was able to get a nice sprinkling of glitter on my nails! Another fabulous thing about this polish (and the other two) is that they are not particularly topcoat hungry glitters and they did not require any kind of helper topcoat before the final shiny topcoat.
Polishes Used: Glisten & Glow – Stuck on Blu; A Study in Polish – Not Our Division; Glisten & Glow – HK Girl Topcoat
Next up is the polish inspired by easily the best TV villain ever. If you passed him on the street he would look nothing but normal, you might not even turn your head. But Series 2 Episode 3 changed all that for me. Moriarty became the villain of my fantasies he’s just so serpentine and crazy and brilliant all at the same time and when he speaks I get chills up and down my spine.

Consulting Criminal
This is Consulting Criminal. Moriarty declares that is what he is in direct opposition of Sherlock (the first and only Consulting Detective). And, Honey you should SEE him in a crown! *ahem* Sorry, I got a little excited. Anyway this is a deliciously dark black jelly base filled with metallic red hexes and metallic silver and red microglitter. Reminds me of Mr. Sex himself…sorry off track again! I may or may not have watched that scene a hundred times…I may or may not go watch it again right now before I finish watching this post. Ok I admit it, I will. Are you happy? You’ve gotten me to admit that I cannot help myself!

Formula was perfection! Execution of this mani was as flawless as Moriarty’s break-in to the Tower of London, The Prison, and The Bank of England all at the same time! Picture shows three very thin coats with topcoat! I didn’t have to do any dabbing or dancing with this one either! You will not be disappointed!
Polishes Used: Glisten & Glow – Stuck on Blu; A Study in Polish – Consulting Criminal; Glisten & Glow – HK Girl Topcoat
Last but certainly not least is my favorite of the three and while I harbor deep dark fantasies about Moriarty *ahem*, my one true love (for this show) is Sherlock so naturally HIS polish should be my favorite and let me tell you I love everything about this one. Coming right up…Consulting Detective:

Consulting Detective
Why yes that is a rich purple crelly base filled to the brim with gold and copper hexes, teensie aqua squares, and a gold microglitter. It’s not a combo I would have imagined but it is as layered and amazing as Sherlock’s wondrous brain!

Consulting Detective
Yes oh yes this polish went on just as brilliantly as the other two. This one only required two coats like Not Our Division, I think that this is because Consulting Criminal has more of a jelly base while the other two in this post lean more toward a creme than a crelly/jelly. Glitter spread and application were magnificent!
Polishes Used: Glisten & Glow – Stuck on Blu; A Study in Polish – Consulting Detective; Glisten & Glow – HK Girl Topcoat
So I was blown away by this trio of amazing polishes. Seriously excellent formulas and wonderful interpretations of the characters from one of my favorite television programs. As per usual I’m going to strongly suggest that you connect with A Study in Polish by liking them on Facebook and point you in the direction of their Site so that you can pick up your own bottles of awesomeness!